How do Chefs make a pretty presentation?

Palamos shrimps presentation at Pa I Raím in Palafrugell

Palamos shrimps presentation at Pa I Raím in Palafrugell

It is crucial to think about the plating before you start cooking. What shapes, what colours, which details? This is what Michelin Chefs do. For the full article:

  • Make sure all the elements are ready before the guests arrive.. Then you 'only' have to do the plating

  • Use seasonal herbs and flowers to accentuate the colors and flavor. Preferably use something that is also in the dish, not something disconnected

  • Build up the dish with layers of flavor

  • Combine and contrast textures, colors and shapes

  • Keep it clean and tidy, use a ring when you put for instance rice or a salad on the plate

  • Make it intuitively clear how something should be eaten and focus attention on the main part

  • Work 3 dimensional. Think towers

  • Add a surprising element

  • Make sure your plate is warm before you start plating.


Treat your veg like you would treat an expensive piece of meat


Working for the future - ** Michelin star Chef Sastregener